In the second part of this series we’ll look at what you can do if someone close to you dies and they don’t have a Digital Asset document.
Mobile phones – if the plan is in your name, the process would be to ring your provider and cancel the number. If it is not, check the provider website and search for Deceased Support.
Telstra (this form can be used for all Telstra services as well as to transfer a Telstra Service to someone else (ie partner or child). You can also ask for a copy of any voice mail to be downloaded and sent to you.)
Next step will be to get any information you may want to keep off the phone. There are methods to bypass passwords but not all guarantee to keep the information. Some will wipe the phone completely. This is why we recommend keeping a file of passwords and important IT related information (see part one of this series).
Tablets – If the tablet has a data sim, the process is the same as above. Saving information is also the same.
Internet Services – again, if the account is in your name there is nothing to change. If not, get in touch with your service provider to discuss deceased support.
Computers (Windows Desktop/Laptop, Apple Desktop/Laptop) – If you know their login details, you can login and save what you want. If it is a shared computer, you can copy the information to your profile, then delete the deceased person’s profile. If this all sounds too much or you don’t know the login information, contact your local computer store to see if they can remove the password or access the data for you and create a backup on DVD or USB flash drive.
You also need to decide what you will be doing with the computer and all the extra bits. Will you be keeping it for yourself, someone in the family or do you wish to sell it all?
We advise that before selling, get your local computer store to back up data, securely wipe the hard drives and reinstall the operating system (Windows or MacOS) in preparation for the sale. If the computer is over 5 years old it may not be worth selling and your local computer store should be able to advise you how to dispose of your old computer, or offer to do it for you.
Online accounts
Emails. Each email company is different but if you have their login details, you can login and close their account for them. Remember you may want to save some special or important emails or photos they have been sent. You can find a list of the main email providers (ie Gmail, Yahoo) and how you can close the account even if you don’t have the deceased’s login details at this link.
Each website you access is different and will have different ways they deal with deceased estates. Everplan have a comprehensive list of websites that you can find here. Some websites will close inactive accounts after a specified period of time.
For online banking you can contact the bank the person banked with. Add it to the list of things to discuss with the bank when closing their bank account.
Services offered by George Town IT
- backing up information to DVD or USB from mobile phones, tablets or PCs (including Apple desktops and laptops) if passwords are provided
- removal of passwords, if possible. We cannot guarantee this process will allow us access to information.
- wiping devices if you plan to give the device to someone else or sell it
- free disposal if you don’t wish to keep the hardware.